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L-Room product configurator boosts textile manufacturing business in India


  • Client: home fabrics producer
  • Domain: textile manufacturing
  • Location: India, Mumbai
  • Mission: creating software for applying materials in stock to various surfaces in pre-developed interior with ability to take high resolution screenshots for printed catalogues and eCommerce business
  • Production period: 2 months

Living in 21st century has set many challenges. Among those one called on by 2020 – adapting to work from home reality. Many of what has been done before now needs to be thrown way or changed drastically. One of these things are weighty catalogues of new products / finishes / textiles. Almost impossible to carry around, pricey to print and hard to create, these things can now safely be sent to rest. Show all your thousands of fabrics in one place – apply them to any furniture you wish; apply tiles to all the surfaces – be it floors, walls or ceiling; customize lighting fixtures and change their setting on the go – nothing is impossible with L-Room product configurator.

Our recent interactive 3D product configuration software L-Room was created for a big textile manufacturer in India. It is the World’s largest woven upholstery and curtain mill according to Fabric & Furnishing International. The Web claims that daily output of the plants sums up to 120.000 meters of fabrics. These includes a large spectrum of products comprising furnishing fabrics, embroidered fabrics, yarns, ready-mades, velvets and wallpapers. Hundreds and thousands of new designs appear each week / month / year and sample catalogues are getting more and more heavy to carry around to the fairs and to the clients.

Furthermore, with complicated patterns it becomes trickier to imagine them being applied to your favorite bed and combined with those dear to heart pillows of yours. Especially when all clients are on lockdown and there’s no way you can reach them with a suitable proposal. So our main goal was to provide the client with a portable, all-encompassing customization software, that will allow them to have all their materials in one place and create all possible (and impossible) textile combinations inside interior spaces on the go.

Interior Design
Virtual Camera
HD Screenshots

Choosing the right materials

With L-ROOM all of the issues were solved – we offered the best solution there is to showcase your products in the most favorable light. As a result, we have compiled a program, consisting of multiple interior options with an ability to apply the materials to every needed surface.

Fabric on a suede pouf changed from grey to beige inside product customization softwareSuede pouf created inside the 3D configurator with grey textile applied

Apart from textile materials, L-Room can also be used for furniture or lighting fixtures customization, changing of decorative finishes (tiles, wallpapers, paints) or working surfaces (kitchen tops and cabinets, wardrobes, etc).