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Kitchen and Bath Faucets Collections by Delta

The project was made under the creative direction of Miller Brooks advertising agency for The Difference Makers marketing campaign for one of the largest U.S. faucet manufacturers Delta. The creative challenge included three unique collections of bath and kitchen faucets and briefings from three distinct designers on how they envisioned the intriguing spaces that would be the perfect show-case of each product essence.

For every unique interior the designers prepared extensive mood boards with hand-picked selection of textures, shapes and objects for us to interpret and create visual stories from. This remarkable journey of imagination led to this series of inviting room designs with Delta faucets undoubtedly being the protagonists.

Coranto Collection Kitchen Faucets

  • KITCHEN INTERIOR DESIGNER: Leyla Jaworski, the owner and creative director of Design Shop Interiors in Sacramento, California.
  • MOOD BOARD: A well-designed space that looks like it’s been collected over time. Moody and traditional, a little bit European.

Product renderings created for Leyla’s room design proved that with only five or six key elements in the room, one can create a livable kitchen even in the tiniest space. The Coranto Collection did fit that aesthetic with its delicate curved lines, unlike really straight and streamlined modern faucets prevailing in the market. With that in mind, CG artists elaborated a solid mix of modern and traditional when visualizing this kitchen concept.

Emmeline Collection Kitchen Faucets

  • KITCHEN INTERIOR DESIGNER: Avissa Mojtahedi, the founder of Toronto-based firm, Avissa Design.
  • MOOD BOARD: An eclectic arrangement with elevated style. A fusion of historic references, diamond shapes, and glamour.

The space designed around the Emmeline Collection was really inspired by the faucet itself. Avissa loved the rounded diamond shape of the base of the faucet and the spout. That prompted us to incorporate a rounded island and a lot of curves into the design. Another signature feature of the designer is the green wall with lemons – the element that pulls it all together and makes this kitchen a very warm, inviting space, but also with a huge wow factor.

Trillian Collection Bathroom Faucets


  • INTERIOR DESIGNER: Eche Martinez, the founder of the eponymous interior design firm in San Francisco, California.
  • MOOD BOARD: Cool, faceted, edgy. Very modern. It’s a bathroom Eche imagined for a growing family seeking a useful space, but also as unique as the rest of their home.

Influenced by the edgy Trillian Collection, the designer took it as a protagonist and built around it. When rendering his vision, our team of CG artists kept track of how Eche uses geometry in unexpected ways to come up with a dynamic space that’s cool and interesting. We made sure patterns and mixed scales coexist throughout his room and add a beautiful layer of depth and texture into the space. Yet, it all remains calming and composed when everything is edited in a very contemporary way.

Kayra Collection Bathroom Faucets

  • INTERIOR DESIGNER: Leyla Jaworski
  • MOOD BOARD: Beautiful but functional. Earthy, organic material choice with a Spanish element to it. A bathroom as livable as the rest of the home.

Through Leyla’s lens this interior created to showcase the bathroom collection was meant to be all about “livable sophistication” that surely takes into account the needs of a busy family. By mixing contemporary elements like the functional chrome finish faucets with more timeless like artisan terra-cotta tiles and baskets with Turkish towels, we stayed true to the designer’s vision for a comfortable, accommodating space.